Sunday 29 July 2007

Best-Lock Farm

I got this Best Lock Lego from Asda. It's supposed to be compatible with real Lego. The base is a real Lego base. Usually I wouldn't buy anything but real Lego but this had a person with each set and there are 5 sets shown in the pictures. There were also some really good accessories and tools and things so I took a risk. The pieces seem to lock together quite well really. The fences are a bit loose. I think for a child who wanted to play it would be a bit of a pain but for someone who just wants to model they're quite good.


LL Cool Joe said...

Cute farm Rima. What are the brown squares on the ground?

Rima said...

They're horse and cow pats :D Well I assume they were. All the sets came with them so I just put them everywhere :D

Anonymous said...

neat blog! when i was a kid i had a babysitter that had tons and tons of lego, it was all organized by colour first, then size (4s 8s etc) and it was all in tins and it was really cool. the baby sitter was old and fat and incredibly grouchy but we loved her lego!!