Wednesday 24 January 2007

Adventure Park

Here is the fan created Adventure Park. Miniature creations. There is the ski slopes, the race track, the pirate ship and the Robot. I really enjoyed making these models. They're very detailed and intricate. The pieces and tiles in the kit will be really handy to have aswell.

Thursday 18 January 2007

Harry Potter Escape From Privit Drive

Even More Stream House

More shots of Stream house

House with a stream

I was inspired to make this house by thise website

I built the hill first and then the house seperately and stuck it on. The workshop was an afterthought but ended up being one of my favourite bits.

Sunday 14 January 2007

Creator House 2 with roadworks

This is the second version of the Lego creator house but with added extras. Well just the dog and the people really. I wanted to use the Lego City Advent Calendar peopler to do some road works so what better time than on the pavement at the fcrack of dawn when the woman is getting the post and the fella is going to work.

Friday 12 January 2007

Sloped Roofed House

I thought of this house in my sleep. I wondered if it would work and it did but it doesn't look as spectacular as I thought it would. Oh well.

Thursday 11 January 2007

Hot Rod Garage

Here's the new Hot Rod Garage I just got off eBay. Pretty cute huh? I love the little kit plus it has some cool pieces in I haven't got. I love the little cupboard and the fact there are some cool guys that aren't wearing space suits of police outfits. They're very versatile.

Monday 8 January 2007

Creator house 1

This is the new house set that just arrived. I made this house first and will show the other two as I make them. To be honest it wasn't as much fun as I thought because it is more satisfying to try and make my own houses from being inspired by bigger more details houses. This set will make it possible for me to build better houses though as I now have more roof pieces and more white wall pieces.

Saturday 6 January 2007


I don't think this bedroom is as good as the other two but it's ok. I hope the bed doesn't look like a hopsital bed cos it's not meant to. I made a bathroom but it didn't turn out well. I don't have enough clear bricks really. I am getting a huge shipment of Lego soon so maybe there will be some in there ;)

Kitchen from different angles

Oh I love this little kitchen. I have posted it from all angles so that you can see the cupboards and everything in the details.

Friday 5 January 2007

Rooms - Office

(All the following scenes in this post and subsequent posts are inspired by the structures in this link. . I think the buildings and ideas in this link are all by the same person and they have to be the most excellent buildings and furnishings I've seen yet. Full credit is given to this Legoist for the following rooms and furnishings.)

Thursday 4 January 2007


The Legto model is based on the top half of the photograph of a building called Beckfield. It's in Robin Hood's Bay in North Yorkshire. I didn't have enough bricks to build the wall that the whole house sits on so just went for the house part. It's an old Police house and has cells and an exercise yard too for the prisoners which is at the left where the black door is.

Tuesday 2 January 2007

Four Storey, Red, White and Black house.

I love this house. It has three floors, well four actually including the garage. It is my most elaborate build yet. It was inspired by the house in the link I posted but I just copied the layout really and style and then went with what I liked and also what bricks and colours I have. I would love to live in a house like this. Well maybe not as it is only a facade (My word of the week :D ) The back and insides are just support beams for the roof but no one need know that. lol

(Inspired by the house in this link )