Sunday 31 December 2006


I love this building. (Inspired by the model on this site ) It was rather challenging as I don't have a lot of flat large pieces. I can rectify that though by shopping on eBay :D It's about the only thing that hinders my house building. This building is not very structurly sound at all. It looks ok so that's the main thing. All of my buildings are mostly white because thet's the colour I have the most of. It's a shame I can't leave them all up together but they need destroying to make the next one.

Cubey thing

This is another idea off I'm sure that I will start not needing to use their ideas so much because my own are starting to come now but I love this little cube.

Dutch House

The top picture is the decorated version of the bottom two. I copied the design off this website. I can't decide what kind of shop it would be really but there seems to be a big queue whatever it is selling.

Saturday 30 December 2006


Above is the link to the picture I copied off to make this next house. There were no plans so I just built it how I thought. I have no idea about copyright but I assume that because I have linked the original this should be ok.

Velux window Cafe and more

Lego Heaven

I'm always seeing elaborate websites and blogs with fantastic models made from Lego or Geomag and thinking it would be cool to keep a record of all the houses and models I make so here is my attempts at it. Here's my hospital. I'll take better photos from now on now that I know they'll go on the blog.